Pentastic drawing
252 BLOCKS!! This took me more then a day in this project I allow people to chat what they want and if it lags and I actually wanna know if I can turn of chat, but for this project nah. If I allow to comment it HAS to be appropriate. Or I WILL find a way to turn of comments if I can but for now I will keep it on but if this gets like crazy I will try to turn it off. (Project Talk) So this took more then a day from like Thursday 3:00 until Friday 9:10 but I stopped at like 4:30 on Thursday. This project was gonna be deleted because this was just to show my brother about pen but instead I turned it into a 252 block project for just 3 drawing which is not the best LOL. /;.;\ I drew everything myself and when it says type lol just type lol to keep the project going I was gonna make a heart and star in yellow and red that the pen would draw but instead I made it that you can draw yourself. If you liked this project I will make more pen project but for now enjoy this! If you noticed that this is my second project because I used to code on scratch but I left because of haters so I started coding here and I get all the sounds and music form scratch by exporting. Peace out. :) For now
Press space to draw while you move and press z to not draw when moving press q to erase all and 1-9 to change colors of the drawing press a to change colors of the pencil arrow keys or w a s d to