State Anthem of the Byelorussian SSR







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Belarus was the last Soviet state to adopt a new state anthem which it took 11 years to finish the song (Except Russian SFSR, which they use the Soviet anthem instead). Like other republic from the Soviet Union, Belarus has it's own state anthem. However, each verse has a different chorus. In 1991, the lyrics was abolished only, and continued the music. An state anthem of the Byelorussian SSR. (1955-1991) I use this anthem as a default intro for now on. Previous: Next: Main country: Lyrics: 1. My belarusi z bratniaju Russiu Razam shukali k czasciu darog, U bitvach za voliu, u bitvach za doliu Z joi zdabyli my sciag peramog! Nas ab’jadniala Lenina imia, Partyja k czasciu viadze nas u pachod. Partyji slava! Slava Radzime! Slava tabe, Belarusi narod! Partyji slava! Slava Radzime! Slava tabe, Belarusi narod! 2. Sily gartue liud Belarusi U bratnim sajuzi, u muzhnaj siam’ji. Veczna my budzem, volnyja liudzi, Zhyc na shczaslivaj, volnaj ziamli! Nas ab’jadniala Lenina imia, Partyja k czasciu viadze nas u pachod. Partyji slava! Slava Radzime! Slava tabe, nash svabodni narod! Partyji slava! Slava Radzime! Slava tabe, nash svabodni narod! 3. Druzhba narodau – sila narodau, K czascju pracounych soneczny shliach. Gorda zh uzvisia u svetlae vysi, Sciag kamunizma – radasci sciag! Nas ab’jadniala Lenina imia, Partyja k czasciu viadze nas u pachod. Partyji slava! Slava Radzime! Slava tabe, nash savetski narod! Partyji slava! Slava Radzime! Slava tabe, nash savetski narod!


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